Se trataria de obtener confesiones bajo estado de hipnosis, como prueba de verdad
Utilizado en algunos casos por el FBI.
Estudios de casos ilustran cómo la hipnosis forense puede dar lugar a la obtención de importantes pistas adicionales de investigación que conducen a la resolución de crímenes.
Aunque hay dudas razonables sobre su eficacia y legitimidad
Las dudas sobre la eficacia vienen de la posibilidad de que la persona puede ser sugestionada para confesar lo que interesa, que pueda faltar
precisión a los datos que se aporta desde el inconsciente y no se puede saber a ciencia cierta la exactitud de los recuerdos.
precisión a los datos que se aporta desde el inconsciente y no se puede saber a ciencia cierta la exactitud de los recuerdos.
La legitimidad ha creado controversias en diferentes paises - y sentencias-por utilizar al individuo anulando su voluntad.
Hay publicaciones al respecto.
Un adolescente fue condenado por el presunto asesinato de una chica de su edad practicando unos juegos. Se encontraron señales en su cuerpo que correspondian al acusado; aunque esas señales no suponian un asesinato, confesó bajo hipnosis que habia cometido el crimen por asfixia con un cojin. Todo parecía apuntar a su culpablidad.
Un tiempo después fue recurrida la causa alegando que se habían violado los derechos fel acusado por haber confesado bajo hipnosis, sin intervenir su voluntad.
No obstante, el tribunal llego a la conclusioón de que los derechos del acusado no habian sido violados y reafirmó su culpabilidad.
federal court
jury refused
Ward damages to a man after deciding that his civil rights had not been violated when he was taken to the Wheeling police station in 1981, questioned at length and charged with the murder of a 14-year-old neighbor girednesday to awl
federal court

William C. Boyd, who was a
teenager at the time of his arrest, and his mother were seeking $2.6 million in
damages from four Wheeling police officers and a psychotherapist. Boyd, now 21
and a Cicero resident, alleged that his civil rights were trampled during the
police investigation into the murder of Mary K. Kosinski. The girl`s partially
clad body was discovered on the floor of a playhouse behind Boyd`s home on the
morning of July 17, 1981.
Boyd was initially charged with murder, but the charges were dropped after a Cook County Circuit Court judge ruled that his confession had been improperly obtained. The slaying remains unsolved.
Boyd was initially charged with murder, but the charges were dropped after a Cook County Circuit Court judge ruled that his confession had been improperly obtained. The slaying remains unsolved.
Boyd and his mother later filed a
multimillion lawsuit in U.S. District Court against the police officers and Dr.
Clarence P. Trausch, a
psychotherapist who elicited the
confession from Boyd after he had been questioned for hours by the officers.
The suit accused Trausch of placing the youth under hypnosis to extract the
confession after a grueling police interrogation failed to elicit one.
But lawyers for the officers and
the witnesses who testified for the defense during the unusual trial continued
to insist that Boyd was responsible for the girl`s death. Apparently, those
assertions played a major role in the jury verdict.
Afterward, the four officers-John
Stone, William Hoos, Edward Theriault and Ronald Nelson-told reporters during a news
in the lobby of the Dirksen Federal Building that they had conducted their
investigation properly. ``We feel we did a good job in 1981, and nothing has
changed my mind,``

Hoos said.
``I don`t think anything can
change our mind about who killed the girl,`` Theriault said.
The girl`s parents, John and Mary
Kosinski, who attended nearly every day of the four-week trial, also reacted
emotionally to the verdict.
``I don`t know what I personally
accomplished by being in court, but I knew I had to be here for Mary. . . . I
think the whole world knows Bill Boyd is guilty,`` Kosinski said, unable to
hold back his tears.
Boyd and his mother left the
courtroom without comment.
His lawyer, Anthony Pinelli, said
later: ``I think Bill Boyd was arrested without probable cause and coerced to
confess. I thought we proved that in the courtroom. The jury obviously thought
otherwise. Yes, I am disappointed.``
Pinelli said he would consult
with the Boyd family before deciding whether to appeal.
Boyd, who is now married and who
works as a janitor, is a Moody Bible Institute student who aspires to be a
missionary to Third World countries.
Mary Kosinski had been spending
the night with Boyd`s sister, Barbara, then 12. Mary`s body was discovered
about 9 a.m. on July 17, 1981, in the playhouse behind Boyd`s home at 408
Sunset Lane, Wheeling. A pillow had been placed over her face and her lips, and
right breast bore bite marks.

Boyd was charged after he gave a
statement, recorded by a court stenographer, to an assistant state`s attorney
who was summoned to the police station on July 18, 1981.
He said in his confession that he
placed the pillow over the victim`s face after she spurned his attempts to kiss
and fondle her during a strip-poker game the youths were playing in the
playhouse earlier in the evening.
The signed confession was thrown
out in 1983 by Judge Nicholas Pomaro, who concluded that it had been obtained
through hypnosis in violation of the youth`s 5th Amendment right against
self-incrimination. Later, the state`s attorney`s office asked that the murder
charge be dropped.
During the trial, defense lawyer
Elizabeth A. Brown called to the witness stand Dr. Edward Pavlik, an Olympia
Fields orthodontist and chief of forensic pathology for the Cook County
Sheriff`s Department. Pavlik, who investigated the girl`s death, testifed that
after comparing the bite marks on the victim`s body with an impression made of
Boyd`s teeth shortly after his arrest, there was no doubt in his mind that the
youth was responsible for the wounds on the girl`s breast.
``We have said from the first day
of this case that Bill Boyd killed Mary Kosinski,`` said Robert L. Shuftan,
another defense lawyer, during closing arguments to the jury.
Información en google sobre hipnosis forense.
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