sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

English Exercice. Experience. Cottolengo.

   1. Composition. SPECIAL EXPERIENCE 
1.-In 199...I studied a course for dissabled people atenttion in ISPA. Oficial Generlitat's center.
It was expansive course, but the best. Gratifulness and timely to me, beaucose i had worked as a nurse 10 yers, I had the degree of Psicology , and I was looking after my soon in this team.
Tey were 25 different age pupil having these course.
The teachers were psicologists, nurses , doctors, and anothers workers of the main Barcelona clinique, careers of dissabled people.
I remembered  interesting subjects, abaut neurology , anatomy and fisiologi as the brand áreas, the bodi's aparatus, organs and sistems.
A lot phisical and mental illness are the cause of dessabled phisical and mental people.
 All pupil visited a residence for old people. And had to have practices.
 I  Had 60 hours practices in the Cottolengo.
It is a big center of charity  careed  by nuns, closed to people. I was an exception as a health services , technich assistants, and teachers.I had the practices on the adolescent big floor; and became friend whith the nun of them. She shoued me all the sick people of the whole floors in assistant center.
I had four boys to career , at the firs time  felt  me,very, very small  in front of them. After that , every day I  explained them the date,the weather, and the body. I shou him colours, forms, actions, to paint, physical exercice, words' mening, etc. I aided  them the lunch hour,  and  after, to wash the dishes.From 3 pm  to 4pm  we were listening  to music and singing songs.
When i finished the practices all the  adolescents of the floor, got hangry at me. But they made me a picture for  the dismissal.
J. Mois P.

2.-Translation Catalan- Englihs: The  COTTOLENGO
The Congregation was founded by Dolors Permanyer i Volard, with the help of the Jesuit Joan Guim in 1939 in Barcelona. The objective was  addressing and develop the assistencial  work in  the Cottolengo  of  "Padre Alegre", charitable institution founded in 1932,  following the guidelines and the charism of Jacinto Alegre, who had died two years before.
 In 1942 , octobre, 3 the Cottolengo transferred to the pressentt address on the Road cameel,19
 In 1943 was founded the house of Valencia, promoved by the Arkebishop of Valencia, who had visited the stabliment of Barcelona , and he entrused to sisters to stabliced themselves in his Diocese.
In 1948 was opened a house in Madrid.
 In 1951 in Satiago de compostela.
In  1952  in  the  Las Urdes' s  village Nuñumoral, Caceres.
In 1963 in Alicante.
 In 1984 was opened a house  in Buenaventura (Colombia) and in 1998 in Popoya, Colombia, too.
In  1989 in Lisboa (Portugal).
These houses, currently, are still opened.
Activities and difussion.- The congregations' charism is to give their life to Crist, as  brothers of the poors, sicks and more necessitys, forming a familly whith them. They are dedicted to spiritual and health care of these sick people of all ages.
J. Motis P
(La congregació fou fundada per Dolors Permanyer i Volart, amb l'ajut del jesuïta Joan Guim, en 1939 a Barcelona amb l'objectiu d'atendre i desenvolupar l'obra assistencial del Cottolengo del Pare Alegre, institució benèfica fundada en 1932 seguint les directrius i el carisma de Jacint Alegre, que havia mort dos anys abans.
El 3 d'octubre de 1942 el Cottolengo es traslladà a la seu actual, a la Carretera del Carmel 19. En 1943, es fundà la casa de València, promoguda per l'arquebisbe de València, que havia visitat l'establiment de Barcelona i va encarregar a les germanes que s'establissin a la seva diòcesi. En 1948 se n'obrí una casa a Madrid; en 1951, a Santiago de Compostela; en 1952, a Las Hurdes, al municipi de Nuñomoral (Càceres); en 1963, a Alacant.En 1984 va obrir una casa a Buenaventura (Colòmbia), i en 1998 a Popayán (Colòmbia), i en 1989, a Lisboa (Portugal).
Activitats i difusió .-El carisma de la congregació és lliurar la vida al servei de Crist encarnat en els germans pobres i malalts més necessitats, formant amb ells una família. Es dediquen a l'assistència sanitària i espiritual d'aquests malalts, de totes les edats.)

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