Dando por supuesto, que los métodos para diagnóstico son otros , y estan muy evolucionados, se estudia cómo la grafopatología puede ser una ciencia útil como colaboración clínica en el diagnóstico, y sobre todo, en la evolución de los pacientes. Las majorías y empeoramientos quedan reflejados en la escritura.
Como experiencia, la autora del artículo presenta un caso concreto y los signos que aparecen en la letra y en la firma.
Se detectan en todo lo que supone debilidad, inestabilidad, opresión, angustia, ansiedad y desgaste.Personalmente creo que la letra puede detectar alteraciones y cambios en la salud, y la existencia ,o posibildad, de estar desarrolando una enfermedad en un momento determinado. Incluso hay algunos signos de localizacion de la zona afectada del cuerpo .
.Aunque identificar un determinado tumor, o darle nombre a una enfermedad, es cuestión de otros profesionales de la salud, la grafología puede detectar signos, antes de un diagnóstico, por lo que no hay que descartar la colaboración, -se trabaja para su reconicimiento-, en medicina preventiva.
J. Motis P.
This Article On Signs Of Cancer brought to you by http://esignsofcancer.blogspot.com/
If you’re looking for information on Signs of cancer in Scripture, then pull up a chair and buckle down, because this is the article that you’ve been looking for.
Prodromal sign of CANCER IN WRITING
(The case of Elvira A.)
Work done by Maria del Carmen Doyharzábal
Nobody know what it means for humanity the terrible scourge of cancer. In fact, in a statement, the World Health Organization (WHO) noted that until 2020 are diagnosed each year about 15 million new cases worldwide. So, besides all the efforts made daily by the researchers in search of innovative treatments, it is undisputed that, at present, the best tool that modern medicine has to combat the disease remains the detection in the incipient stage ; awareness leading to the true importance of prevention campaigns.
But unfortunately, the use of such campaigns in Graphopathology is still almost entirely dismissed ... Why?
Research Professor Kanfer
You all know that the teacher graphologists Alfred Kanfer conducted an investigation of the prolific writings of cancer patients, and succeeded in identifying 16 items graphomotor common to most of the cases, which enabled him to then detect the disease in other subjects who had not reported any symptoms at the time of the first clinical checks, but that, years later, ended up suffering. And we know also that at first his accomplishments did not fall on deaf ears. Quite the contrary, little, Kanfer was subjected to the watchful eye of prestigious institutions involved in preventive medicine, including the American Cancer Society, the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and the Yale Cancer Detection Clinic among others, that he set out to identify through writing to those individuals with the disease, to which he responded aggressively with a batting average of about ninety percent in most cases, and at other times even surpassing the percentage that these institutions had achieved by conventional means ...
Since then, and things, everything indicated lawfully at the time, finally, graphology would begin to move steadily and smoothly pointed the way to the strictly scientific acceptance ... But, as we know, that's not what happened. And after a while, the illusion ended once turned into something rather like the mirage of a thirsty Bedouin in the middle of the desert.
And today, little has changed.
Personally, every time I tried to argue against the doctors about the practicality and effectiveness of Graphopathology to identify the presence of prodromal signs of cancer (and other diseases), they fired me almost always, in the best showing a condescending smile that little, if anything, helped to relieve the unpleasant sensation that causes one to be left talking to himself. So perhaps you will understand what I mean when I say that, for me, the case then I think I'll introduce some way emblematic.
Otherwise, I have to clarify that during the analysis, though I have the obvious attention to the sixteen traits determined by the teacher graphomotor Kanfer, I considered also nineteen other signs (see box), as I have seen, are present mostly in this disease.
The Case of Elvira A.
Throughout her life, Mrs. Elvira A. suffered many and varied conditions, most of psychosomatic. Consequently, I am inclined to think that this particular must have weighed heavily on their physicians at the time of filing the neoplastic process, not allowing a quick and effective detection of the same.
However, covered with the independence that gives us the handwriting on such questions, an analysis conducted in 1988 allowed me to detect changes in pressure and in the width of the path, shaded with stretch marks and uneven partial rigidity of the lines, accompanied by very slow tremors and fraying. The shaded ovals had a more marked at the bottom and left side, as well as smaller facets in outline and dented. The jambs drawn differently starting to dent and deform, showing the stroke, in its way, thickening and thinning.
o I concluded, therefore, they were unmistakable signs guiding them in the detection of cancer pathology, and immediately put me in touch with the doctors of Mrs. Elvira A. But to no avail. For them it appeared at that time suspect symptoms that might make the onset of the disease ...
And the same thing happened in the year '89, but by then the handwriting and showed signs of disease progression, marking changes in intestinal area, oriented in colonic area.
Then in the middle of 1990, Mrs. Elvira A. began to suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, which were accompanied by a slight weight loss was attributed to the meal plan to which she was subjected. You will have blood tests and x-ray is taken. But given that their erythrocytes was normal, and the plates showed no alterations to call attention, doctors considered it unnecessary to make other more profound ... However, the deterioration of the writing was already evident, observing all the characteristic features of cancer. Now, all the signs mentioned above had to add a sharp accentuation of the striatum and the generalization of the rigidity of the track and the letters had acquired characteristic runs. The ovals were deformed and dented, accentuating the fillings in the area corresponding to left lateral lower quadrant ascending colon area. The movements were quite sharp. The width of the strokes were uneven, and noticeable changes were evident in pressure and an increase in the frayed and segmentation. The tremors were already observable with the naked eye, and obvious variations in the speed and the vagueness of the directions. And soon, by the end of that year, it begins to be apparent deformation and flattening in points and, also pasted a few loops observable in writing.
These signs, plus the speed of the overall deterioration of the other items handwriting, held me long enough to argue that the disease had probably started a metastasis in liver area. But much to my regret, I returned to me noses against the backs of doctors .... symptoms had not yet ...
It was not long after that - in April 1991 - that Mrs. Elvira A. began to suffer from generalized abdominal pain and bowel obstruction partial removal of blood in the stool.
And finally in May, a doctor decided to perform a liver ultrasound. By then, the pain and bleeding had worsened, and the general deterioration and weight loss were apparent.
he result announced the presence of two liver tumors ...
Then in July, made CT scans and biopsies for, it was determined that these liver tumors were in fact likely metastatic adenocarcinoma of colonic origin, not feasible because of advanced cancer treatment at the case ...
Mrs. Elvira A. died in early September of that year, at the age of 66 years.
Items for malignancies graphomotor
But we know now, what are the items that identify graphomotor a cancerous process.
First we must consider that in the prodromal stage is only possible to identify particular characteristics, observing the writings through a microscope, an increase of at least 20 diopters, being convenient to use 40, 60 and even 100 diopters in some cases.
The signs are:
1) Pressure irregular ascenders and descenders (* confirmatory sign that can only be distinguished under a microscope).
2) Sudden change in descending ascending paths (* identifiable under a microscope).
3) downward stroke is interrupted and amounts (* identifiable under a microscope).
4) Letter of unequal widths (* identifiable under a microscope).
5) unevenly shaded Strokes (* plot confirmatory sign cancer, if found to accompany the above, identifiable under a microscope).
6) partial stiffness of the stroke (* route confirmatory sign cancerous, if presented in conjunction with the above signs, identifiable under a microscope).
7) total stiffness of the stroke (* identifiable under a microscope).
8) path segments (* no sign constraint that may be present or not identifiable under a microscope).
9) Basis of letters by pressing (* sign in case of confirmatory with previous identifiable under a microscope).
10) absent tight turns (* sign of trace conditioning is not cancerous, identifiable under a microscope).
11) Writing extended (no sign of conditioning that can occur on a path or not cancerous).
12) Letter thin (no sign of conditioning).
13) Clear - dark in the path (* no sign constraint, identifiable under a microscope).
14) ariations of pressure (no sign of conditioning).
15) Extent of decline in strokes (no sign of conditioning).
16Block deformed.
17) Non-convulsive tremor, more slowly than in the alcoholic or suffering from Parkinson's disease, a frequency between 3 to 4 Hz Hertz (* initially only be detected with a microscope and in advanced stages of the disease can be easily identified ).
18) Unclear directions.
19) Stretch (* they are white lines on the line, similar to those that occur when the tool writer istributes ink evenly, identifiable under a microscope).
20) Graphics homer.
21) Letters that originally had rounded features, become angular.
22) Dents on ovals.
23) triangular ovals.
24) Vocals / or insecurity, reviewed for restructuring the layout, with dents on bottom and sides.
5) Jambs with dents at the base, drawn in different ways.
26) j / and / g with jambs frayed.
27) frayed at the overall route (the route is opened).
28) Speed discontinuous.
29) base-bound letters.
30) Review (to correct or clarify the shortcomings of the track).
31) Fireplaces (product of the anguish suffered by the subject).
32) Address lines tend to lose the horizontal, ascending and descending.
33) general signs of distress and depression (signs are not conditions that depend on the structural characteristics of the subject.).
34) Loss on general motor control.
Posts to reflect ...
atches unequal. Fraying and striated. Uneven pressure ascenders and descenders, and part of the track stiffness. This already appeared in other writings of Elvira A. for the year 1986, which had delayed access.
And I must admit, at first I undertook the doubt. Perhaps these items could be considered graphomotor prodromal signs of cancer?, Were they perhaps already present in the writing of Elvira A. five, not three, years before the awakening of the disease that had ended his life ...?
After I concluded yes.
And they still hold. Today more than yesterday. Because over the years have seen repeated - those same items - again and again, in different writings ..., and every time I have read the same diagnosis may follow: Cancer! And I have seen these signs also deteriorate progressively as the disease progresses inexorably, and I have been relaxed to almost nothing, to a timely and appropriate cancer treatment.
Now if what I said about the effectiveness of the Graphopathology may already be sufficient, in no way answers the question of why then does the scientific community, largely ignored it.
I thought about it often over the past years. And I ended up firmly convinced that there was a very meritorious reason for this unhappy state of affairs. It is indeed a vexing question. But certainly worth get to reflect on the particular ... if you really want to fix it.
In any case, what I am referring to is very simple:
general, the handwriting appears showing not care a "dark side" in the eyes of the scientific view, and we (the handwriting) very little has been done so far to throw light ... at least not enough and the frequency proper wave.
In fact, we have been too permissive and tolerant, brooding - and for much longer than we admit ease - a host of pretenders who are willing to take advantage of magical thinking mean, have perverted the fundamentals of graphology, mixing it , shamelessly, with varied practical outputs of pseudoscience quackery. Thus, as a logical consequence of our passive attitude, these merchants of the unusual - self-styled handwriting - which, moreover, abound as fruit flies, have been popularly install the outlandish idea that graphology is not nothing but a mancia luck connected with this or that technique a divination that he pleases.
d of course, in this context, graphology can hardly be expected from men of science an attitude different from the rejection that many express ...
So perhaps the question we should ask truly meaningful graphologists has nothing to do with all the good we have done, but rather all the bad that we have omitted denounce and fight. Because if there is something here that is clear is that not an inch forward if our choice is to continue throwing blame scientists for their apparent myopia dogmatic in judging the benefits of handwriting method, rather than admit the urgent need to assume responsibility that fits.
In short, to put it another way: the doors - very well guarded - the faculty, will not open completely for us, while not making aside, definitely, such bad company ...
In this sense, the broad legal basis involved in formalizing the career of graphology in Argentina is a very important step. But it is only the first ... There is still a long way to go, and certainly the best way traffic will be moving together.
And as we do, it might be appropriate to give a sample of our good sense, saying the words of Sigmund Freud (Works - The Ways of Psychoanalytic Therapy) that: "We have never claimed to have reached the pinnacle of our knowledge or our power, and now, as before, we are willing to recognize the imperfections of our knowledge, add to it and introduce new elements in our methods all the changes that could mean progress. "
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