1.-TraNslation SpanisH-EnglisH
Is an infectious and contagious sickNESS, illneSs, or disease.Vast epidemiCs ARE extended SPREAD ALONG India and another Asiatic cOuntry, ALSO to Europe and America.
TrEAtment: The bacilLus col-li is destroyed ( 0r wreck Out) to acid dIsinfectants.
During the epidemic times, it is advised to consumE acid fooDs, juices and essences. Wine, beeR, orange, lEmon, etc... and wash the saladS and vegetaBLE foods witH acid in the water.
The trEAtment is symptomatic with specific serum, and wakefulness abOut the water balance to the patient.?
International reLAtionships NEED RULES taking care of prevention in the was OF sailIng or airlIne
communication .
2. Personal wording? or Staff (Script)
THERE WAS aN OUTBRAKE (BROTE) of thIs disease IN the second part OF the past century, AT a hOspital IN Barcelona.
I worked AtT this place at thAT time.
It was a professional secret NOT TO alarm THE people and THE TOURIst activities.
The hospital had wideN UP? and it maDE up a department for the disease.
We worked with acid liquid on the floor and wearing special shoes.
When an infected man or woman arrived WE maDe an intensive and sYmptomatic trEatment with serums and wackfullnes? vital constants and ionogram.
FoUr or five people died. 400 or 500 cases were atTended.ApProximately A rate OF 1 % WAS letal.
Cholera is rare in developed countries with a reliable public water supply and good drainage. Only 35 cases of cholera were reported in Europe in 2000 and only nine in North America..-According to the World Health Organization, a well-organised response to cholera can reduce death rates to one per cent. An unprepared community, however, will experience many times this death rate. Hand-washing after going to the toilet and before preparing food is a vital measure to prevent the spread of the disease. Oral cholera vaccines are effective but must not be considered as a substitute for basic preventative measures such as clean water and sanitation
But it's a common problem in disaster areas where water supplies are disrupted. Cholera has killed more than 7,000 people and sickened more than 526,000 others since.
It was introduced to Haiti in 2010. The disease hadn't been seen in Caribbean country before that. the U.N. peacekeeper, or soldier from South Asia, was aware that he was carrying the virus,". ". It came from his waste stream into the waterways of Haiti, into the bodies of Haitians."
The U.N.'s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a monthly bulletin that the new cholera cases were found in the western and northern parts of the country and that Haitian health officials recorded 77 new cases a day for the whole country in early March, when the rains.
J. Motis P , Junio, 2010